Analyzed by M'lynda Owens
/ Categories: Patient Engagement

Communication-Focused Technologies: Health Messages for HIV-Positive Men Who Have Sex With Men—Final Report.

Report of an AHRQ-funded study (Prepared by RTI International, under Contract No. 290-06-0001-7). AHRQ Publication No. 11-0063-EF.

From the AHRQ summary: Participants were strongly receptive to the messages and intervention. There were four areas in which a statistically significant change was noted during the study, including adherence to medication, knowledge of HIV, social support, and a reduction in the number of sexual partners. Additionally, a significant decrease in viral load was noted, as was a marginally significant increase in CD4 counts, which is an indication of the number of white blood cells which fight infections and their count indicates the stage of HIV or AIDS in a patient.

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Level of EvidenceLevel I
Study RegionU.S.
OrganizationRTI International
Issue or ProblemPatient adherence
Tech MediumSMS
Technology Devicenot stated
mFHAST ImplicationSecurity and privacy safeguards in these studies were stringent enough to satisfy AHRQ criteria
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