Event date: 4/14/2015 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Export event
Posted by mFHAST
/ Categories: Minutes

HL7 Trauma Registry and mFHAST Meeting

Discussion of Trauma Registry use cases and the LMIC Adoption Framework


  • Chrystal Price - Trauma Registry / American College of Surgeons
  • Angela Ryan - Trauma Registry / American College of Surgeons
  • Nathan Botts - Mobile Health
  • Gora Datta - Mobile Health
  • Christopher Doss - Mobile Health
  • Matthew Graham - Mobile Health 


 ·         Discussion of HL7 Trauma Registry work to date

o   Background of the HL7 Trauma registry work

o   Idea to bring their group to people who understand interoperability

o   Discussion with WHO Global Burn Registries

§  Working to educate and inform on objectives of the Trauma registry work and their interest in working with the Global Burn registry

§  Objective to look into interoperability

·         Discussion of mFHAST Development

§  LMIC Adoption Framework

§  mFHAST Development Effort based on need for short-message standards

·         Discussion of mobile-based iPAD Registry Example in Canada

o   Need for mobile and short-message registry techniques/standards identified

·         Need for HL7 Adoption Education and Training based on WHO discussions

o   Discussion of need for LMIC Adoption Frameworks and revival of the previous project development that was conducted at the LMIC meetings

·         Action Items

o   Send Chrystal and Sarah the adoption framework slides

o   Set-up a time for a monthly meeting to move a bit of the work forward

·         Paris Meeting – May Wednesday 3rd and 4th

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