Event date: 8/6/2015 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Export event Nathan Botts / Thursday, August 6, 2015 / Categories: Minutes mFHAST Meeting Minutes for August 6th, 2015 eLTSS Use Case progress discussion Attending: Nathan Botts Kwekour Quaynor Paul Petronelli Chris Brown Grant Kovich Susan Campbell Minutes: Introductions eLTSS use case discussion with Grant Kovich Review of Last Meeting Minutes of 7/9 Discussion of Privacy and Security section needs Review of Content Analysis Approach Print 511 Rate this article: No rating Tags: minuteswhite paperevidence baseprivacysecurityeLTSS VisitorseLTSS - Grant Kovich Documents to download MHWG-mFHAST-Minutes-08062015(.docx, 22.33 KB) - 26 download(s) More links HL7 mFHAST WikimFHAST: mobile Framework for Healthcare Adoption of Short-Message Technologies HL7 Mobile Health WorkgroupThe HL7 Mobile Health Work Group creates and promotes health information technology standards and frameworks for mobile health. S&I eLTSS Workgroup The electronic Long-Term Services & Supports (eLTSS) Initiative is a ONC-CMS partnership that will focus on identifying and harmonizing electronic standards that can enable the creation, exchange and re-use of interoperable service plans for use by health care and community-based long-term services and supports providers, payers and the individuals they serve. Please login or register to post comments.