Cancer Treatment Summaries

Education from the American Society of Clinical Oncology

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ASCO Treatment Summary YouTube video screenshot.

From the American Society of Clinical Oncology website: "An ASCO Cancer Treatment Plan and Summary is a form that provides a convenient way to store information about your cancer, cancer treatment, and follow-up care. It is meant to give basic information about your medical history to any doctors who will care for you during your lifetime.

Using the treatment summary, your current oncologist can enter the chemotherapy dose you received, the specific drugs that were used, the number of treatment cycles that were completed, surgeries done, and any additional treatment that was given (such as radiation therapy or hormonal therapy).

ASCO also offers a form called a Survivorship Care Plan based on specific clinical practice guidelines for certain types of cancer. This document guides your follow-up care after cancer treatment is finished.

Please note that none of these forms are intended to provide a complete medical record, and no single treatment plan or summary is appropriate for all patients. Talk with your doctor for more information on your individual treatment and follow-up care. The ASCO Treatment Plan and Summary should be used with the guidance of your doctor. Learn more about the ASCO Treatment Summaries and Survivorship Care Plans."

Cancer treatment summary forms can be found at: