How to Take Charge of Your Medical Records

An article from the Wall Street Journal

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From the WSJ Article: "It’s your health. So it’s time you took control of all the information about it.

That’s the message that a growing number of patient advocates are trying to spread to American health-care consumers.

For most people, of course, it’s all too easy to simply leave their health records in the hands of doctors and hospitals. But that’s a big mistake, the advocates argue. First, it gives doctors too much power over information that is vital to patients, and it creates opportunities for errors. Perhaps more important, it keeps patients from using the information themselves for their own benefit."

Eight Numbers to Protect from ID Thieves

AllClear Investigator Tamara outlines 8 numbers that ID thieves often seek

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All Clear Alert Network

 This article from the AllClearID Alert Network provides a brief description of some common personally identifiable information that is targeted by identity thieves.

Safe Shepard

Tool for helping manage online privacy

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Safe Shepard Personal Information Analysis

 Safe Shephard is an online privacy protection service that assists you in managing the personal information that you want to allow marketing and consumer information collection companies to gather and store.

';--have i been pwned?

Check if you have an account that has been compromised in a data breach

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';--have i been pwned?

The ';--have i been pwned? website provides consumers with an easy way to check and see whether their online identity has been a part of any reported public breaches.

As a health information consumer you should be sure to make yourself aware of these breaches which may compromise commonly used usernames and passwords.

Your Health Information, Your Rights

A Health Information Privacy Video from the Office of Civil Rights

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Screenshot from the Office of Civil Rights YouTube page on HIPAAFrom the Office of Civil Rights YouTube page: Watch this video to learn about the HIPAA Privacy Rule, a law that protects patients' rights and health information rights. For more information please visit

Whether health information is stored on paper or electronically, patients have the right to keep it private. They also have the right to get a copy of their records, to request to make a change to those records, and to know how that information is used and shared.


Speak to a Doctor Now!

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Screenshot from the MDLive websiteFrom the MDLive website: With MDLIVE you can now have access to quality healthcare from local physicians board certified in internal medicine, family practice, emergency medicine and pediatrics from the convenience of your home or office. Our doctors can diagnose, treat, and write prescriptions for routine medical conditions.

MDLIVE is a leader in telehealth services providing affordable consultations 24/7/365 anytime, anywhere through online video, phone or secure email.

FDA Patient Network

Bringing Your Voice to Drug and Device Approval and Safety

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Screenshot from the FDA Patient Network website

From the FDA Patient Network website: "You can participate in FDA’s important decisions about the regulation of medical products in many ways. You don’t have to be an expert, and you don’t need lots of time. Find out how you can make your voice heard and help ensure the effectiveness and safety of drugs, devices, and other medical products."

Benefits of Health IT

From HealthIT.Gov

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Screenshot from HealthIT.govFrom the HealthIT.Gov website: Until now, relatively few Americans have had the opportunity to use this kind of technology to enhance some of the most important relationships: those related to your health. Relationships with your doctors, your pharmacy, your hospital, and other organizations that make up your circle of care are now about to benefit from the next transformation in information technology: health IT.

For patients and consumers, this transformation will enhance both relationships with providers and providers’ relationships with each other. This change will place you at the center of your care – in effect, helping to put the “I” in health IT.


A Medical Decision and Doctor Consultation Resource

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Screenshot of the Prepare Website

From the Prepare website:

PREPARE is a program that can help you:

  • make medical decisions for yourself and others

  • talk with your doctors

  • get the medical care that is right for you

Health IT for You

Giving You Access to Your Medical Records

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From Health Information Technology, or Health IT for short, is upgrading our healthcare system for the 21st Century. Today's technology is converting the information in our paper records into an electronic format which allows you and your doctors to have access to your health information when and where it's needed. Learn more about the benefits of health IT and how online, secure access to your health record can help make sure you get the best care.