The Critical Importance of Owning Your Medical Data

Securing Personal Health

Nathan E Botts 0 1142 Article rating: No rating

In an age where data breaches are increasingly common, the security of medical data has become a paramount concern. A recent article on Wired, titled "Your Medical Data Is Code Blue," delves into the alarming frequency of medical data breaches and the profound implications they have for individuals. This situation underscores the vital importance of individuals owning and controlling their health information to dictate legitimate use and safeguard their privacy.

Eight Numbers to Protect from ID Thieves

AllClear Investigator Tamara outlines 8 numbers that ID thieves often seek

Nathan E Botts 0 1656 Article rating: No rating
All Clear Alert Network

 This article from the AllClearID Alert Network provides a brief description of some common personally identifiable information that is targeted by identity thieves.

Notice of Privacy Practices

English and Spanish Templates Available

Nathan E Botts 0 507 Article rating: No rating
Image of a padlock representing patient privacy and security.

From the US Department of Health and Human Services website: "The HIPAA Privacy Rule requires health plans and covered health care providers to develop and distribute a notice that provides a clear, user friendly explanation of individuals rights with respect to their personal health information and the privacy practices of health plans and health care providers. This page provides options for meeting the requirement ot create notices of privacy practices (NPP)."

Safe Shepard

Tool for helping manage online privacy

Nathan E Botts 0 872 Article rating: No rating
Safe Shepard Personal Information Analysis

 Safe Shephard is an online privacy protection service that assists you in managing the personal information that you want to allow marketing and consumer information collection companies to gather and store.

Understanding Personally Identifiable Information

An article by privacy and security architect Ian Oliver

Nathan E Botts 0 792 Article rating: No rating
Screen shot of the PII semantic model from Ian's blog.

This article from "Ian's Blog" a blog by a privacy and security architect named Ian Oliver provides some basic and not so basic information regarding personally identifiable information or PII.