Digital mobile technology facilitates HIPAA-sensitive perioperative messaging, improves physician-patient communication, and streamlines patient care

An article from the Patient Safety in Surgery journal

Gathered by mFHAST 0 1929 Article rating: 5.0

From the PubMed article abstract: "Mobile device technology has revolutionized interpersonal communication, but the application of this technology to the physician-patient relationship remains limited due to concerns over patient confidentiality and the security of digital information. Nevertheless, there is a continued focus on improving communication between doctors and patients in all fields of medicine as a means of improving patient care. In this study, we implement a novel communications platform to demonstrate that instantaneously sharing perioperative information with surgical patients and members of their support networks can improve patient care and strengthen the physician-patient relationship."

mFHAST Implications: Opportunity for SMS use in immediate transfer of HIPAA-compliant data to patients and their designees

Patients' involvement in e-health services quality assessment: a system for the automatic interpretation of SMS-based patients' feedback.

An Article from the Journal of Biomedical Informatics

Gathered by mFHAST 0 2331 Article rating: No rating

From the PubMed Abstract: "Effective communication between patients and health services providers is a key aspect for optimizing and maintaining these services. This work describes a system for the automatic evaluation of users' perception of the quality of SmsCup, a reminder system for outpatient visits based on short message service (SMS). The final purpose is the creation of a closed-loop control system for the outpatient service, where patients' complaints and comments represent a feedback that can be used for a better implementation of the service itself."

mFHAST Implications: Effectiveness in using SMS for collection of patient quality perception data.