Is Leaked?

In public have been leaked more than 18 million passwords of Mail accounts. Check your account in database.

Nathan E Botts 0 424 Article rating: No rating

 From the Is Leaked website: "In public have been leaked more than 18 million passwords of Mail accounts. Check your account in database. 25th of september became known of another biggest vulnerability CVE-2014-6271 (shellshock or bashdoor). All of the devices use bash shell like routers are potentially exposed."

Medical Identity Theft

Education from the Federal Trade Commission

Nathan E Botts 0 0 Article rating: No rating

Padlock representing keeping your personal information secure.

From the Federal Trade Commission website: A thief may use your name or health insurance numbers to see a doctor, get prescription drugs, file claims with your insurance provider, or get other care. If the thief’s health information is mixed with yours, your treatment, insurance and payment records, and credit report may be affected.

If you see signs of medical identity theft, order copies of your records and check for mistakes. You have the right to see your records and have mistakes corrected.

What is Identity Theft?

Consumer Information from the Federal Trade Commission

Nathan E Botts 0 858 Article rating: No rating

Identity Theft Video

From the FTC website: Identity theft affects millions of people each year. You can learn how to make protecting yourself from identity thieves part of your daily routine.

Retrieved from: on 03/07/2013