Using Social Media to Perform Local Influenza Surveillance in an Inner-City Hospital: A Retrospective Observational Study
Analyzed by Pratibha Kavishwar
/ Categories: Public Health

Using Social Media to Perform Local Influenza Surveillance in an Inner-City Hospital: A Retrospective Observational Study

An article published in the JMIR Public Health Surveillance

From the article results: "We found that municipal-level Twitter data was more effective than regional and national data when tracking actual influenza infection rates in a Baltimore inner-city hospital. When combined, national-level Twitter and Google Flu Trends data outperformed each data source individually. In addition, influenza-like illness data at all levels of geographic granularity were best predicted by national Google Flu Trends data."

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Study RegionU.S.
OrganizationGeorge Washington University
Issue or ProblemInfluenza-like illness
Tech MediumTwitter
Technology DeviceSmart Phone
mFHAST ImplicationOpportunity for using SMS as a means of gathering health surveillance data.
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